Der Beruf  der Pflegefachkraft ist in Deutschland reglementiert.  Im Anerkennungsverfahren wird geprüft, ob ihre Berufsqualifikation mit der deutschen Qualifikation gleichwertig ist. Ohne Anerkennung dürfen Sie in Deutschland nicht in diesem Beruf arbeiten.

Wir als Bildungseinrichtung können Ihnen bei der Anerkennung, Anpassung oder Erweiterung von im Ausland erworbenen Pflegeausbildungen helfen. 

Wir können einen vorangehenden check ihrer Dokumente durchführen. Wenn Sie dem Link unten folgen, können wir Ihre Dokumente unverbindlich entgegennehmen.

The profession of nurse is regulated in Germany. You are not allowed to work in this profession in Germany without recognition. In the recognition procedure, it is checked whether your professional qualification is equivalent to the German qualification.

As an educational institution, we can help you with the recognition, adaptation or expansion of nursing training acquired abroad.

We can carry out an early check of your documents. If you follow the link below we can accept your documents without obligation.

This check does not include legal advice. The recognition is only checked and approved by the competent authority during the procedure.

Please note that you consent to the transfer, storage of your personal, academic and professional data. These must be temporarily stored for the purpose of processing and testing..

All rights to the protection of your data are retained. Your right to information, deletion and publication remains intact.

Whether knowledge test, aptitude test, complete preparatory course or adjustment measure – we offer you what is still missing for the recognition of your nursing training.

Use the following link to send us your documents:

Recognition and Adaptation

the right recognition measure for everyone

Opportunities to have your nursing education recognized. Contact us for registratrion
